Happy Blogiversary, My Friend
I know I've been neglecting my blog.. for reasons that I'm still trying to piece together. I also know that it's NOT Monday, but today is important because one year ago, I decided to officially share Monday Espress. Blogging has always been a part of my life - no matter how long of a break I may have in between. It has been my way of expressing myself while shifting from moments of insanity to sanity. To be honest, writing this post has me feeling a bit emotional because through all the quick changes that has happened in my life this past year, my blog is evident. My writing style... my experiences... my friends... and most of all my self.
One year ago, on July 4th, 2016, I had recently come back from EDC Las Vegas, chasing my wanderlust over some guy and new adventure. I spent spontaneous nights out and dared to be on my own. At that time, I had already gotten my latest tattoo of the Ace of Spades - my one out of all that holds the most meaning. Whenever I look at that tattoo, it reminds me of the change and instability that triggered me to really blog over the past year. It also has me wondering... is instability a good thing? I loathe the feeling of not being as motivated to write like how I used to, but then I think about how my lifestyle now is different than my lifestyle a year ago.
I feel like with instability... that's when you really figure out who you are. Don't get the wrong idea though - I'm not saying that I don't like the way things are today. Change is something that is inevitable and something that we all need to go through in order to mature. With instability, you force yourself to try out new things and explore places until you find something that fits... something that is stable. Stability to me always meant that you're comfortable. We should always be challenged with something in life.
Last year, I had enough time to do yoga twice a week after work and then go to the gym the other 3 days out of the week. Doing yoga allowed me to consolidate my thoughts into this hobby (blogging). With my new job, I'm finding myself staying later in the office as usual... and being located in the more commercialized part of NYC is harder to find classes that are cheap and with a "chill" vibe. When I used to work in Flatiron, the pace was much more calm... and the people there were more of visionaries. They had high hopes and dreams and would talk endlessly about how the world we live in is just a bunch of craziness. That was what inspired me to write - the dreamers. In midtown, we have more of the realists - the ones who have "made it" and have no time for wishful thinking. The fast paced and commercialized environment of 42nd street just trains everyone to be so competitive.
I think what I'm still trying to do is figure out a way to incorporate my hobby into my new lifestyle. I've gone through 2 big changes at the same time as I was coming into the new year. One was getting a new job and two was a new relationship. Both were unplanned, but I new they were good things. There's things in life that you can easily toss away if it conflicts with your personal routine. However, there's also things in life that you know is worth working for if it will bring good change.
Anyway, today has made me realize how important blogging is to me. I've had blogs for so many years, but Monday Espress was the one that I decided to really put out there. It's insane thinking back to how I was 1 year ago today. I still hope to find new inspiration and continue to develop this blog. Maybe I just need some help finding these 2 things every now any then.
Cheers to change, challenge and continuity. And cheers to July 4th.